I have a love/loathe relationship with dating. Dating is exploratory. Hopeful. Unfortunately, it’s also risky. If I could, I would put up a sign that reads, “don’t come for a boss unless you’re ready to boss up!” but I imagine that might be perceived as a bit too unapproachable . . . even for me. I love the jolly hopefulness…
Single Life
I sat at my table with my coffee mug warming my hands and the sweet smell of cinnamon and vanilla wafting up my nose. The sun poured into the room casting long shadows along the floor as the heater stirred to life. I was feeling cozy and rested on Thanksgiving morning. The “Happy Thanksgiving” texts were already starting to come…
It’s about that time. The sun is going down a bit earlier and the nights are getting cooler. You can almost sleep with your windows open and the A/C turned off. Other than pure excitement about pumpkin-spiced treats and scents, the incoming of the fall season means one other thing . . . it’s cuffing season. Some of you are…
Waiting can be difficult. Be it a new job, buying a house, finding your purpose, having a child, healing in your body, getting married and more . . . everybody has been in a place where they are waiting on God to move in a particular area in their lives. There are times when waiting is a piece of cake,…
The sharp sting of the wind whipping off the sea caused a chill to run from the top of their heads to the bottom of their toes. The constant hum of charging chariots filled their hearts with terror. The people cried out with complaints and questions. The Red Sea sat before them and Pharaoh’s armies closed in behind them. Mothers…
It has been over a year since the world turned upside down. This means it has been over a year since a lot of us have hugged a loved one in person or shared special times with those who matter most in our lives. Living away from immediate family or close friends can lead to a feeling of isolation. When…
“Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God does not see as man sees, since man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7 NASB) It was the summer of 2019. I was running late for church because I laid awake the night before having a “moment.” I was feeling down about another day, week,…
I’m going to say it. I’m going to say the one thing that confident, independent, ambitious single women are never supposed to say, especially in the new year. I’M TIRED OF BEING SINGLE. I know. I kind of cringe even writing it. But it’s the truth. Another truth is I’ve revised this essay several times because at first, I was…
Forty. 40. Four-tee. 4-0. I keep rolling this number over my tongue. Tasting it. Trying to see what it feels like to say it. No matter how I tell it to myself and others, it’s the same thing. I am officially a forty-year-old woman. I’ve been saying “I’m almost forty” for a few years, but now that the day has…
It was 2016 and I was at a friend’s house for dinner on Resurrection Sunday when one of the more mature women amongst us struck up a conversation about dating and relationships. We were standing around in the kitchen, eager to eat and indulge in some of our holiday favorites ( my mind was focused on the peach cobbler because,…