It’s that time of the year again. The time where single people everywhere are reminded that they don’t have a “plus one” . . . all because of one day on the calendar. Yep, I’m talking Valentine’s Day. The struggle is real because I just watched a Subaru commercial that used the tagline “Find your love, it’s out there.” Seriously,…
Single Life
I was recently catching up with a friend about our new year mindsets and began to discuss the woes of dating as a grown woman. I went on about the perceived lack of available men who can actually bring something to the table. I told stories about how age may make a difference in how interested men approach you but…
It’s holiday season! Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day are one right after the other. It always seems like as soon as Halloween is over, the year shifts into fifth gear and the days speed by. One minute you are picking at left over candy corn and the next, you are trimming your Christmas tree. The holidays aren’t always a…
I’ve been dating. Who cares? I care. When you go two years without feeling the excitement that accompanies the anticipation of meeting someone new, to be dating is a bit of a breakthrough. While some of these dates have made me wish I stayed home with my dog watching hair tutorials on YouTube, it has been nice meeting new people…
I debated on writing this or putting my thoughts into actual words because its a level of vulnerability that I struggle to reveal. Plus, I’m not sure who will silently judge me or whisper about me and my decisions behind my back. Despite all that, I figured there is some woman (or man) that knows what it’s like to be…
I am one of those people who thinks of the most random, most dramatic, silly, laughable things and I even say them out loud (most often to my dog). Those who know me semi-well know that my filter tends to be broken more often than not. I decided to capture some of these thoughts for your reading pleasure. 1. Do…
Dear Future Husband, Where are you? And what’s taking you so long to find me? Haven’t you read that “he who finds a wife finds a good thing?” There are a lot of good things waiting over here. (Believe it or not, you’ll come to love my direct communication and inability to beat-around-the-bush.) Lately, you have crossed my mind quite…
I hate that phrase. I actually want to smack people (in particularly married people) when they say this in response to my lack of dating activity. However, smacking them would appear as if I’m bitter or jealous. Quite opposite, but I’ll get to that in a second. When I’m told to “put yourself out there,” my first response is, “what…