I remember hearing about the story of David and Goliath when I was a kid growing up in Sunday school. David, the young shepherd boy, went to battle with a large giant, Goliath. Goliath was the enemy’s fighting champion. Adorned in bronze armor from head to toe, he taunted the Israelite army for forty days and forty nights. His sole…
Have you ever had high expectations concerning a situation in your life? For example, you’ve been searching for a new job. You have tons of experience with high-profile employers and figure that not only will you get hired, but you’re sure to be offered a substantial salary. Because you’re so good, you will most likely get promoted within a year…
I once had someone tell me that being a leader of others is equivalent to adult babysitting. (Whew, the accuracy.) Being a leader can be challenging. Some of you are leaders in the workforce, while others are leaders in their home and familial life. You may even be a voluntary leader at church, in a community service group, or on…
Now that the world is opening back up, there is a hopefulness sprouting as the week comes to an end. You can now ask people what they have planned for the weekend and it doesn’t consist of binging a Netflix series, baking banana bread, or buying another plant for their home which has officially turned into a mini garden. Brunch…
I have a secret . . . I normally skip church on Mother’s Day. That may sound odd to several of you because you know of so many CME People. (CME People = people who only go to church on Christmas, Mother’s Day, and Easter.) In 2020, I was delighted that I didn’t have to think twice about attending church…
Emotions ran high this week. I didn’t always have the words when someone asked, “how are you?” at the beginning of a Zoom call. Or when I received a heartfelt text from a colleague or acquaintance, I didn’t quite have an authentic expression to share. I found myself with a clenched jaw that I had to remind myself to release.…